Classification Of Drugs According To Their Action

Classification of drugs

1. Analgesic :- Drugs used to relive pain.

2. Anasthetic :- Drugs which causes loss of sensations.

3. Anthelmintics and Vermifuges :- Drugs which destroy and expel worms.

4. Antipyretics :- Reduces fever.

5. Antidotes :- Substances used to counteract the effects of poisons.

6. Anti-infectives :- Act either to inhibit, kill or retard the growth.

7. Anti-inflammatory :- Reduces the inflammations.

8. Anti-Coagulents:- Substances whic inhibit or decrease the coagulation.

9. Antibiotics :- Products of living micro-organisms that have the ability to destroy our inhibit the growth of other organisms.

10. Anti-diarrheatics:- Agents that are used to treat diarrhea either detoxication noxious substances or by killing the infectious gastrointestinal micro-organisms.

11. Anti-tussives :- Drugs that inhibits the cough reflex, act primarily upon the cough centre in the C.N.S.

12. Anti-asthematics :- Drugs which provide symptomatic relief of asthematic attacks by relaxing the smooth muscles of the bronchioles.

13. Anti-pruritics :- Drugs that relief itching.

14. Antiseptic :- Substances that inhibits the growth of bacteria.

15. Anti-fungal(Antimycotic) :- Prevent the growth of fungi or the destruction of the fungi.

16. Antispasmodics :- An agent that relieves the spasmodic pains or spasm of the muscles.

17. Antiemetic :- Drugs relieving or preventing nausea and vomiting.

18. Anti-tubercular :- Specific Drugs used in the treatment of tuberculosis.

19. Bronchodilators :- Medicine which relaxes muscles of the bronchioles by reducing the smooth muscle spasm or mucosal oedema.

20. Hypotensive :- Any substances capable of lowering B.P.

21. Coagulants :- Those Drugs that help in the clotting of blood either by the increased formation of the liver precursors or by the clotting factors present in the drug administered.

22. Carminatives :- Drugs which causes expulsion of gases from the stomach and intestines.

23. Cholagues :- Drugs which are supposed to increased the amount of bile secreted.

24. Diaphoretics :- Drug which increase the action of the sweat glands.

25. Tranquillizers :- Drugs reduces anxiety, fear, tension.
Aneolytics(small amount)
Antipsycotics(large amount)

26. Vasoconstrictors :- Drugs or agents cause constriction of the blood vessels with the effect of raising the blood pressure.

27. Hypoglycaemics :- Drugs lower the blood sugar level.

28. Nasal Decongestants :- Drugs which produce shrinkage of the engorged nasal mucosa and relieve the nasal congestion.

29. Sedatives :- Substances which lesse the body activity.

30. Stimulants :- Increase the functional activity of an organ or system.

31. Diuretics :- Increases the flow of urine.

32. Anti-diuretics :- Decreases the flow of urine.

33. Mydriatics :- Dilate the pupil of the eye.

34. Myotics :- Contract the pupil of the eye.

35. Oxytocics :- Drugs that stimulate uterine contractions

36. Galactagogue :- Substances that increasenthe flow of milk.

37. Hypnotics :- Drugs that produces sleep.

38. Inotropes:- They are the Drugs that strengthen cardiac contractions.

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